Perhaps the grandest mystery of archeology is the origin of Egyptian civilization. We have only simple pottery and stone tools from the time period a few hundred years before the building of the pyramids - the largest and most accurate stone structures on the Earth. When pressed the archeologists will admit that there probably was a previous civilization, but it is a subject they prefer to avoid. Discussing pre-historic era Egyptian civilizations quickly gets too close to the forbidden "A" word:
AtlantisEdgar Cayce was an American psychic who lived from 1877 to 1945. His belief was that our current problems and challenges are often continuations of issues from previous lives. Since, in his view, the current time is a reflection of portions of the Atlantian experience, many of his readings involved Atlantis.
According to Cayce, Atlantis was a highly developed civilization with technology comparable to ours, but based on different energies. This civilization first rose over 50,000 years ago but destroyed itself through misuse of an energy it obtained by feeding Solar energy through crystals into the Earth. Atlantian technology rose again only to be destroyed by internal warfare. It rose yet a third time, this time to be destroyed by flood, memories of which are in the Bible and are known to many other cultures.
Refugees from this third catastrophe emigrated to several places, including Egypt. There, on the Nile Delta they established a colony, eventually creating a high culture. It is the records of this culture that were studied by the builders of the Pyramids, and that formed the basis of Egyptian Art, Spirituality, and written Language.
This chronology from Edgar Cayce fits fairly well with the Ancient Egyptian's own tradition of the times of the Gods (Atlantis) and Companions of Horus (undiscovered pre-historic civilization on the Delta). The time given for Atlantis also coincides with the time of Cro-Magnon Man - early Homo Sapiens with refined features and a larger brain than we have today.
Cayce places the building of the Pyramid and
Sphinx in the first (now lost) Egyptian civilization, about 12,000 years ago. If we accept Geologist Robert Schoch's analysis of the weathering of the Sphinx and the Sphinx Temple nearby, then this date is credible. The Pyramid referred to, perhaps, may be seen in the large stones at the base of
Chephren's Pyramid (the second largest, which stands behind the Sphinx), allowing the currently standing pyramids to be the work (mostly) of historical Egypt, as the archeologists insist.
Edgar Cayce mentions that a great Hall of Records was carefully placed near the Sphinx and awaits discovery. A reading given by Cayce in 1933 says this Hall contains:
"A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land .....(documents) that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis.
...The Sphinx ... was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx's right paw until the time has been fulfilled ... Then it lies between the Sphinx and the river." (378-16; Oct. 29, 1933) (Quote from "Edgar Cayce on Atlantis" by Edgar Evans Cayce, page 148.) There have been a number of attempts to find this Hall of Records, ground penetrating radar has found chambers or caves below the Sphinx and a drill core from nearby contained granite from Aswan, hundreds of miles upriver, but the Egyptian Department of Antiquities has so far refused to allow further exploration.
Portions of this entry and more information on Edgar Cayce and Atlantis can be found in the Atlantis section of the AscendingPassage website:
Click here to go to the Atlantis SectionFor a look at Egypt from a alternative perspective than that promoted by mainstream archeology:
Click here to go to AscendingPassage.comThe pyramids have their own website, the many mysteries of these giant precisely built structures are still well beyond modern technology:
Click here to go to the PyramidsThere are anomalous artifacts and meaningful mythology in many places throughout the world. explores the faint traces of a great and different ancient knowledge.
Click here to go to Ancient Mysteries, Atlantis, Edgar Cayce, Egyptian Mysteries