
Alternative Egyptology as a pathway of spiritual growth.

Monday, October 10, 2005

John Anthony West - a different view of Ancient Egypt

There are a few books that really affect me, books that start me looking at things in a different manner. "The Serpent in the Sky" by John Anthony West is not easy to read, but it will reward those who give it their time with a deeper understanding of the astounding culture whose relics still stand along the Nile.

Ancient Egypt presents a quandary for scholars. The architectural marvels created by this civilization defy explanation. The sheer beauty of their art is beyond comparison. And yet most Egyptologists hold tightly to the superiority of modern knowledge and abilities, speculating on vast armies of workers building the Pyramids and dismissing the contents of medical texts as superstition.

John Anthony West calls this academic bias the "Church of Progress" and attempts to defend and explain the world view of the Egyptians, drawing heavily on the work of Rene Schwaller de Lubicz, a French Alchemist who spent twenty years unraveling the symbolic roots of Ancient Egypt.

To de Lubicz the placement and subjects of art in Egyptian temples, the dimensions of their walls, and the geographical location of those temples all have specific meaning, and all are related to the overall scheme of man's place in the universe. The ancient saying attributed to Hermes: "As above, so below" is marked out in every stone of every temple.

According to John Anthony West: "Schwaller de Lubitz claimed that Egyptian civilization was based on profound and precise knowledge of the mysteries of Creation. The Symbolist interpretation supports this claim with two kinds of evidence; the first linguistic, the second mathematical." The Serpent in the Sky, page 34.

Thus "the sign (for 'bird') refers not only to the physical bird, but also to all the functions and properties that are contained within the 'idea' of bird: the ability to fly, to escape from the Earth, and hence the principle of volatility which ultimately implies 'spirit'." ibid page 41.

And: "What is today called Pythagorean number mysticism is Egyptian in origin (if not older still) and corresponds to the underlying philosophy behind all the arts and sciences of Egypt." ibid page 44.

To the Egyptian priesthood the ultimate secret was the original division of the Unformed Chaos into two parts - the moment of the creation of the Universe. This break was in the ratio of the Golden Section, about 1 to 1.6, an uneven geometry that has defined growth and harmony in the world we know.

The golden section was rarely used in Egyptian art and architecture, more often it was hinted at or suggested. But harmonics abound and give much power to the things we see today.

The symbolist view of Ancient Egypt and the mysteries and secrets of the Nile culture are explored in my website More information on West and De Lubicz is included, along with commentary and links to a number of websites that attempt to touch the deep spiritual truths so evident in this ancient land.

Click here to go to

The giant columns of an ancient temple are set against the mountains beyond.
Part of the grand Egyptian Temple of Karnac, near ancient Thebes.
Etching by the Scotsman David Roberts, 1838.

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